The railway came to Fredericia, and the railway station in Oldenborggade was put into use in 1869. Together with the ferry port, it became the city's lifeblood.
Fredericia Jernbanehotel was, until the old Lillebæltsbro and the new railway station were inaugurated in 1935, one of the country's best-known and most visited hotels. The railway station was the country's absolute largest meeting place for travelers between the regions.
In 1939, the hotel was given a new name, Ny Missionshotel, and a new host. The hotel advertised with 30 well-appointed rooms, a cozy family hotel, reasonable prices and no tips.
During the occupation, the buildings were taken over by the Germans and used by the Gestapo.
The mission hotel remained intact.
New Mission Hotel v. Ingeborg Schriver
After renovation and installation of a new heating system, Ny Missionshotel, opposite the old railway station, has once again become the place for large and small gatherings. The price of the rooms was still the same as before, although there was now heating, hot and cold water and bathrooms in the corridors.
New Mission Hotel becomes Hotel Postgaarden. Hotel name secularized.
Ny Missionshotel in Oldenborggade 4 no longer exists. At least not the name. It was replaced with the more worldly name Hotel Postgaarden.
In 1979, the owners of Hotel Landsoldaten, Erik Skree and Gunnar Lund, took over Ny Missionshotel, and the latter told about the name change: "Some foreigners, especially Swedes, have an antipathy towards mission hotels. They believe that liquor is not served and that the conditions in other areas are very missionary. With the name change, we hope that the pavement will be even better here in the summer months."
The hotel currently has 44 rooms.
New extension to the hotel
Hotel Postgaarden in Oldenborggade, the former Railway Hotel and later Missionshotel, is getting an extension to the west, which increases the number of rooms to 48.
Danske Hoteller A/S buys Hotel Postgaarden, which thus becomes the 24th hotel in the hotel chain.