Whale watching from Fredericia with M/S Marianne

Distance: 0.28 Km

 | 28 60 88 21 |  kurtskipper@gmail.com |  www.msmarianne.dk | 
Take the tour boat M/S Marianne out on the Lillebælt, and experience porpoises up close.

Whale watching: Sailing trip from Fredericia

Looking for guinea pigs? With the tour boat M/S Marianne, you can go whale watching on the Little Belt, where the porpoise, one of the world's smallest whales, lives. Lillebælt is home to one of the world's densest populations of minke whales, so there are good chances of spotting one or more porpoises during the trip.

There are sailing trips throughout the summer departing from Gammel Havn in Fredericia

Along the way, you will be told about the guinea pigs, nature and the area around the Little Belt - in fluent Danish, German and English!

On board tour boat M/S Marianne

When you board M/S Marianne, you are welcomed by the boat's skipper, who ensures that everyone has a good trip. M/S Marianne is an old rockfisher/angler vessel that has been converted into a tour boat. The boat has outdoor seating, covered with sails, for all guests and a toilet at deck height.

On the whale safari and sailing trip with M/S Marianne, you are very welcome to bring a food basket, drinks or snacks, which you can enjoy along the way.

Book your next whale watching or sailing trip with M/S Marianne here, or via the blue button on the right!

Practical information

The time on the ticket is the departure time. Please show up 15 minutes before departure so that everyone gets on board!

Dress: The trip takes place outdoors and on the water, so remember to dress according to weather conditions.

Dogs: Small dogs are allowed by arrangement.

Safety on board: M/S Marianne is equipped with life jackets and life rafts.

Fishing trips: It is currently not appropriate to arrange a fishing trip from a tour boat in the Little Belt due to the fish population in the belt. This is therefore not possible with M/S Marianne.

Special trips with M/S Marianne

M/S Marianne also sails a selection of special trips. Come, for example, on a whale safari, where fish tapas or smørrebrød are served on board, or come on an evening cruise where you sail in the glow of the sunset.

Find dates and times for the special departures and link to further booking here!

Sea hunting at Fredericia

M/S Marianne also offers sailing hunting trips. You can read much more about the different form of hunting, book a group trip or see planned trips here!

Sailing trips with experiences for children

Does your child dream of becoming a skipper? On a trip with M/S Marianne, participating children are allowed to enter the wheelhouse and try to steer the boat under expert instruction from the skipper.

Nature experiences on the Little Belt

A whale safari with M/S Marianne is an absolutely fantastic nature experience for the whole family. Lillebælt is part of Nature Park Lillebælt, Denmark's largest nature park, so nature on land, in water and in the air is something very special.

In addition to experiencing the lively porpoises, you will also learn a lot more about all the other wildlife that lives in and around the belt during the trip. While you are sailing, you have the opportunity to experience Jutland and Funen in a new way, namely from the coastal side - a whale watching is therefore also a completely new way to see Fredericia's beautiful nature on!

Are you looking for experiences in Fredericia? See Fredericia's many offers here!


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Updated by: Destination Triangle - VisitFredericia | turisme@fredericia.dk
MS Marianne sails whale watching under Den Gamle Lillebæltbro. Photographer: Pia Ry
On board MS Marianne. Skipper talks about the Little Belt and the guinea pigs. Photographer: Pia Ry
Family looks for guinea pigs aboard MS Marianne. Photographer: Pia Ry
MS Marianne sails whale watching under Den Gamle Lillebæltbro. Photographer: Pia Ry
Family looks for guinea pigs aboard MS Marianne. Photographer: Pia Ry
Whale watching from Fredericia with M/S Marianne Photographer: Niels Martner Copyright: Niels Martner