Byhaverne Søndervold

Distance: 0.54 Km

 | +45 23 27 75 67 |  +45 23 27 75 67 | |  Grow your city | 

Grow Your City is a unique city garden community in Kanalbyen in Fredericia. In the summer of 2012, a group of green people came together and created the idea base for Grow Your City. Today, Grow Your City is an urban community where people meet to cultivate. The initiative is part of the temporary activities that fill the urban space, which is under development at the port. The place is now home to more than 600 plant boxes filled with herbs and plants - expertly cared for by green fingers.

The gardens attract people of all ages. And there is room for everyone. The gardens are for the whole of Fredericia and you can for only DKK 50 per. plant box join the community - in the middle of the harbor. In addition to the plant boxes, there are also several insect hotels, beehives and plant art and bird boxes that adorn the walls around the garden. In the middle of the grounds there is an outdoor kitchen so people can come and grill on a balmy summer evening.

There is also a shack that the hatch enthusiasts can pull in in case of rain. The plant boxes are located in the area next to the C-city - just after the bridge over Frederik's Canal. For further information write to


Updated by: Destination Triangle - VisitFredericia |
Grow Your City in the Channel City Photographer: VisitFredericia Copyright: Kanalbyen