The gunpowder tower

Distance: 0.86 Km

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The gunpowder tower at Lollands Bastion is Fredericia's oldest military structure, built in 1675. The size is 10 x 12 cubits and two storeys high. Due to the risk of sparking, floorboards and most other timber are assembled without the use of iron nails. Wooden nails have been used instead. The building is well proportioned with unmistakable baroque character.

It was built as a copy of a gunpowder tower that was located in Kastellet in Copenhagen. However, this was already demolished in 1741.

The gunpowder tower was used to store gunpowder, hand grenades, rifle bullets, torches, etc. The soldiers were urged by notice to handle the highly explosive materials with care. Bl. a. it was forbidden to make rude speech (sulfur and gang) near the gunpowder. The house was renovated in 1746, 1865 and most recently with the participation of Fredericia Tourist Association in 1992.

Can only be viewed from the outside. Access only by further agreement with the City Museum.

Updated by: Destination Triangle - VisitFredericia |
Photographer: VisitFredericia Copyright: Fredericia Municipality
Photographer: VisitFredericia Copyright: Fredericia Municipality
Photographer: VisitFredericia Copyright: Fredericia Municipality