The culture barracks

Distance: 0.99 Km

The future meeting place for art, culture and creative entrepreneurship.

The cultural barracks in Fredericia: Space for creativity

At Fredericia's new culture barracks, the focus is on creativity, development and entrepreneurship!

The Kulturkasernen today contains a wide selection of different workspaces for age groups of all ages. Everything from esports to local archives and Fredericia Musical Theater is represented at the old barracks.

From the Bülows Barracks to the Culture Barracks

When Kulturkasernen was to have its name, it was not difficult to find the right name. The cultural center is located in the premises of the old Bülows Barracks, which today have been converted and renovated so that they can accommodate a multitude of different activities.

In addition to being plenty of space, good facilities and a large barracks yard full of possibilities, Bülows Kaserne also has a unique location with a view of the Little Belt and Eastern beach.

Communal dining, exhibitions and open workshops

Already today, the Culture Barracks contains several different activities for the citizens and visitors of Fredericia. The aim is to create a new space for active communities for both young and old. For example, join us for a communal meal at the barracks, experience exhibitions or take part in creative open workshops.

See all events and activities at Kulturkasernen at Kulturkasernens Facebook page og Instagram profile.

Fredericia Local History Archive and Fredericia Esport under the same roof

The cultural barracks is a meeting point that spans a wide range. In the premises of the old barracks you will find boats Fredericia Local History Archive in completely newly renovated and updated premises with associated facilities for working with the exciting archive material.

The barracks buildings are also the base for the local e-sports association Fredericia Sports, which holds events, tournaments and training for club members and e-sports enthusiasts.

A meeting point for the performing arts: Fredericia Musical Theatre, Theater Malstrøm and the Exercise House

One of the creative elements that take up a lot of space at Kulturkasernen is performing arts, theater and music. With its status as "Denmark's Musical City", home of the Danish Musical Academy and with a thriving theater and music scene, it is natural that the Kulturkasernen contains several rehearsal rooms, storage and workshops for the city's theatres.

Boats Fredericia Musical Theatre and the local Theater Malstrøm uses the buildings, just as the barracks' old drill hall has today been converted into one of the city's major venues The exercise house.

Bülow's Makerspace

Bülow's Makerspace is Fredericia's very own entrepreneurial hub for young people of all ages. Here, children and young people can try their hand at 3D printers and other forms of technology and production processes in weekly open workshops, cultivate entrepreneurship as a hobby and participate in many different events and workshops.

Bülow's Makerspace also collaborates with Fredericia's institutions and schools to educate the city's young people in technology understanding, production and entrepreneurship.

Read more about Bülow Makerspace and future activities here!

The future of Kulturkasternen

The culture barracks in Fredericia is a larger project which is still under development. The goal is to create an open cultural center with various workshops, production areas for creative industries, association rooms and new, active communities.

The project is part of Fredericia's Vision 2033. Read more about the plans for the Culture Barracks here!


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Updated by: Destination Triangle - VisitFredericia |
Photographer: Claus Fisker
Photographer: Claus Fisker
Photographer: Claus Fisker